All those who have reached the age of 18, parents and friends of children, regardless of their nationality, gender and place of residence, can register as full members of the Association, following the approval of the Board of Directors of the Association. In case of rejection of the application for membership, the Board of Directors shall be obliged to justify its decision.

Membership is granted after the payment of the €10 fee and the annual membership fee (€20) settled by the members at the beginning of each year. Members are registered in a membership register by serial number. The register also shows the date of registration of members, their profession and their home address.

A registered member may freely withdraw from the Association after giving notice in writing to the Board of Directors of the Association.

Any violation or action of a member which is against the purposes of the Association shall entitle the Board of Directors to expel them from the Association and to remove them from the membership register. The decision to expel a member may be overturned by a decision of the General Assembly regular or emergency.

Every member shall be entitled to elect and be elected after their financial obligations to the Association have been settled. Members of the Association from the medical or paramedical staff directly involved with children with cancer cannot stand for election to the Board of Directors.

Members’ obligations are to participate actively in the Association’s events, General Meetings and the various committees or working groups. They must also comply with the provisions of the statutes and fulfil their cash obligations.